Medicaid Expansion Improves Hypertension and Diabetes Control
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium. The most important elements of a web page should have more visual weight to "naturally attract" a visitor’s attention. Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful.Dieter Rams Most users search for something interesting (or useful) and clickable; as soon as some promising candidates are found, users click. If the new page doesn’t meet users’ expectations, the back button is clicked and the search process is continued. A good website should be easy to navigate Not all websites are made equal. Some websites are simple, logical, and easy to use. Others are a messy hodgepodge of pages and links. How are innovations in robotics changing the way we perceive the world? Without website navigation, your visitors can’t figure out how to find ...